Abood El Zomor - Patience vs. Violence
I watched Abood El Zomor's interview with Mona El Shazly to get a feel and understanding of how the guy thinks and whether we should be worried or not. Agree or disagree with El Zomor's ideology here are my points on his character:
The guy talks with great confidence, he is convinced of what he is saying, he is quite patient and to a certain extent calm in replying to Mona's obvious opposition: all signs that he seems to understand very clearly the set of principles that move him.
It is understanding these principles that were my aim when watching the interview and an important question that present itself in an interview with someone involved in an assassination is: When is it justifiable to use force?
El Zomor is prepared to wait the duration of a corrupt president's 4-year term to end. He is prepared not to use force if there is an alternative judiciary mechanism to ousting a corrupt president. But don't ask him to wait forever without an alternative mechanism because if there is no other way, violence IS an option.
Which begs the question: When do YOU justify the use of force?
For once let's talk in absolute terms. Justifying force in terms of why and how is a slippery slope: we'll end up with relative justifications and every one with his own version of an acceptable reason or an acceptable method.
It is really a simple question of black and white: Are you, or are you not, ready to accept violence as a means?
"Yes" means you shouldn't be surprised at Abood El Zomor's hero reception. Period. PERIOD.
The use of violence is not alien to our minds. Consider these statements:
It's their own fault.
This is what they wanted.
They deserved it.
They're provoking the government.
We should get rid of them all.
Consider similar thoughts that have crossed your mind regarding recent events whether it be against protesters, thugs, leaders or sections of society. And consider how often you've heard these statements from other people and unfortunately there isn't a lack of events recently for stirring up violent feelings.
Of course it's difficult to tame our minds when in a state of anger and that's understandable but it's still not acceptable even though I've harbored violent thoughts myself.
If you stand firmly in the justifiable violence camp, then read no further. Go with peace.
What I think we need, to spread a culture of non-violence, is a kind of going back to simple basic human principles. We need to encourage a more general philosophical approach to our humanity and I hope this is encouraged in the structuring of the new constitution. I also believe that Egyptians already have a disposition to these basic human principles. Their down-to-earth kindness and humility and need for peace. The Jan 25 revolution has imported almost everything from the Jasmine revolution except "Selmeyya Selmeyya".. that was home-grown. And exported to protesters in Bahrain. The "mother of the world", the "cradle of civilization", "Baheyya"... if there's humanity anywhere it's here in Egypt. We just need to re-awaken it.