za3'raty ya tafeeeeeeeddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Can I get a Za3'rota please?!
(Za3'roota :- the seemingly impossible uvula-tongue control which makes an even more impossible sound. Done by Egyptians -usually women- as a show of joy and celebration. It really sounds like an African tribal shriek. The one they do before sacrificing the kill. We don't have pom poms so we do with what we've got.)
Why you ask?!
Let me calmn down a second and explain...
According to this.... this happened:
ثم سمعت عن احد جنود الامن المركزي والذي وقف في وجه زملاؤه واعلن انه لن يستمر في الضرب وطالب زملاؤه بالتوقف
فما كان من الضباط الا ان انهالوا عليه ضربا واقتادوه بعيدا
Translation bleez?
"Then I heard of one of the Central Security soldiers who stood in front of his colleagues and declared that he would not continue in the beatings and asked his colleagues to stop. With that, the officers did not but storm him with beatings and took him away"
Come on everybody... clap with me!!
"werrr ya werr ... werr ya werr..
kaman marra! .. hezz ya wezz... hezz ya wezzz"
hehehehe.. now THAT is A MAN! I don't know who that soldier was but hell I'd dedicate a whole site to him. Fuck, I'd give him all my money! (well not all.. but a sweet lot anyway) Seriously, if I was in a demonstration that turned violent and I see one of the riot police getting beaten up because he was trying to defend me.. help me God I'd kick the shit out of the officer beating him. I'm dead serious. I'm spontatneously combustable. And a scene like that would spontaneously combust me. I'd act without thinking and fuck yes I'd beat the fucking shit out of that officer (and then run and run and run - and wet myself).
If ANYONE knows ANYTHING (who the hell am I kidding I haven't had any visitors since I started the blog) anyway.. If ANYONE knows ANYTHING about that soldier kindly leave a little comment below please. Please.
So Where and When did this happen?
Last thursday (14th July) during a Kefaya demonstration in Abdeen Square. Apparently it was one of their bigger demonstrations which later turned violent. The theme of the demonstration was "Enough Unemployment" but naturally noone would miss the chance to bark at Hosni Baba and the 40 (more like 4,000?) thieves. I've looked everywhere for anything about that soldier but till now I've got zilch.
UPDATE: According to this guy..
من أبرز ما شهدته المظاهرة الحاشدة، رفض أحد جنود الأمن المركزي ضرب المتظاهرين بالعصي وصراخه "كفايه".."كفايه" بشكل هيستيري.. حتى أحاط به الضباط وأنهالوا عليه بالضرب وسحبوه إلى أحدي سيارات الأمن المركزي ليكملوا الإعتداء عليه إرهاباً لزملاء له عبروا همساً عن تعاطفهم مع المتظاهرين.
"Amongst the more prominent incidents witnessed in the demonstration was the refusal of one of the Central Security (riot police) soldiers to the beatings with sticks against the protestors and his screaming "Enough!! Enough!!" in a hysterical manner. The officers then surrounded him and stormed him with beatings and dragged him to one of the Central Security vans to continue assaulting him. They did so to terrorize his colleagues who secretly expressed their sympathy with the demonstrators."
Adly you fuck. Let me see you do your own dirty work yourself without terrorizing these helpless people. Let me see you come down here man to man you mother fucker. And all those officers. FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU. GRRRRRR >:( One of these days... one of these days.Also that same guy said that after dispersing the demonstration some of the crowd got together and started another demonstration. He said that 21 riot police vans came up to them and started beating them. He said some of the officers tried to repeat what happened the day of the referedum i.e. abusing the women in the demonstration and that when one reporter from the french "Le Monde" newspaper, caught on camera a Central Security Major attempting the same abuse, the Major attacked the reporter (called Karim el Fawaal) and called on helpers to beat him and break the camers which caught him in the act.GGGGGGGAAAAAAAA33333333333333333............... Come here you.... lil' johnny wanna play wid you round bum... YOU FUCKING FAGGOT! Damn I wanna bark!
Anyway.. here is news regarding the demonstration (Go baby Go!):
*From MisrDigital (الوعي المصري)
Coverage of Abdeen's demonstration on 14th July
Summary: A good bunch of OK photos with little comments.
As usual, a good account of the demonstration with a some nice pics
*From العروبي؟ (I was directed to it from
No Comments: Just Fucking interesting pics
(see the one below.. it's not what you think it's out of context.. the soldier was apparently confused .. hehe)

*From Al Mesryoon
Police violence turns Abdeen's demonstration into a battlefield
(kinda exaggerated don't you think. usually has more accurate accounts) Summary: Demonstration started off with chants against unemployment and then turned into an anti-Mubarak demonstration. Riot police surrounding the demonstrators in cordons (encirclements). Demonstrators trying to go down into the square. Police turned violent. Beatings started. Several injuried and cases of unconsciousness. It was difficult to control the crowd which forced alot of high profile security officials down to the scene: incl. Cairo's head of security General Major Nabeel el Ezzaby. It was Kefaya's biggest demonstration to date.
Police denies the injured Abdeen demonstrators medical assistance
Summary: Violent clashes cause some cases of injuries and unconsciousness. There were no ambulances although there were thousands of soldiers and demonstrators. Riot police soldiers did not allow the injured and unconscious demonstrators out of the security cordon except after orders from the officers. Even then there were no ambulances and volunteers had to drive them to the nearest hospitals.
*From Al Jazeera
Kefaya protests against unemployment and demands removal of Mubarak
Summary: Thousands of demonstrators shouting against unemployment and Mubarak.
(I love the pic at Al Jazeera.. taken by French Press)

*Last but not least..
From the men themselves: Kefaya
Kefaya forum with everyone sharing in what they saw
(Alot of interesting accounts and so many many more links! Its a crazy web!)
(Za3'roota :- the seemingly impossible uvula-tongue control which makes an even more impossible sound. Done by Egyptians -usually women- as a show of joy and celebration. It really sounds like an African tribal shriek. The one they do before sacrificing the kill. We don't have pom poms so we do with what we've got.)
Why you ask?!
Let me calmn down a second and explain...
According to this.... this happened:
ثم سمعت عن احد جنود الامن المركزي والذي وقف في وجه زملاؤه واعلن انه لن يستمر في الضرب وطالب زملاؤه بالتوقف
فما كان من الضباط الا ان انهالوا عليه ضربا واقتادوه بعيدا
Translation bleez?
"Then I heard of one of the Central Security soldiers who stood in front of his colleagues and declared that he would not continue in the beatings and asked his colleagues to stop. With that, the officers did not but storm him with beatings and took him away"
Come on everybody... clap with me!!
"werrr ya werr ... werr ya werr..
kaman marra! .. hezz ya wezz... hezz ya wezzz"
hehehehe.. now THAT is A MAN! I don't know who that soldier was but hell I'd dedicate a whole site to him. Fuck, I'd give him all my money! (well not all.. but a sweet lot anyway) Seriously, if I was in a demonstration that turned violent and I see one of the riot police getting beaten up because he was trying to defend me.. help me God I'd kick the shit out of the officer beating him. I'm dead serious. I'm spontatneously combustable. And a scene like that would spontaneously combust me. I'd act without thinking and fuck yes I'd beat the fucking shit out of that officer (and then run and run and run - and wet myself).
If ANYONE knows ANYTHING (who the hell am I kidding I haven't had any visitors since I started the blog) anyway.. If ANYONE knows ANYTHING about that soldier kindly leave a little comment below please. Please.
So Where and When did this happen?
Last thursday (14th July) during a Kefaya demonstration in Abdeen Square. Apparently it was one of their bigger demonstrations which later turned violent. The theme of the demonstration was "Enough Unemployment" but naturally noone would miss the chance to bark at Hosni Baba and the 40 (more like 4,000?) thieves. I've looked everywhere for anything about that soldier but till now I've got zilch.
UPDATE: According to this guy..
من أبرز ما شهدته المظاهرة الحاشدة، رفض أحد جنود الأمن المركزي ضرب المتظاهرين بالعصي وصراخه "كفايه".."كفايه" بشكل هيستيري.. حتى أحاط به الضباط وأنهالوا عليه بالضرب وسحبوه إلى أحدي سيارات الأمن المركزي ليكملوا الإعتداء عليه إرهاباً لزملاء له عبروا همساً عن تعاطفهم مع المتظاهرين.
"Amongst the more prominent incidents witnessed in the demonstration was the refusal of one of the Central Security (riot police) soldiers to the beatings with sticks against the protestors and his screaming "Enough!! Enough!!" in a hysterical manner. The officers then surrounded him and stormed him with beatings and dragged him to one of the Central Security vans to continue assaulting him. They did so to terrorize his colleagues who secretly expressed their sympathy with the demonstrators."
Adly you fuck. Let me see you do your own dirty work yourself without terrorizing these helpless people. Let me see you come down here man to man you mother fucker. And all those officers. FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU. GRRRRRR >:( One of these days... one of these days.Also that same guy said that after dispersing the demonstration some of the crowd got together and started another demonstration. He said that 21 riot police vans came up to them and started beating them. He said some of the officers tried to repeat what happened the day of the referedum i.e. abusing the women in the demonstration and that when one reporter from the french "Le Monde" newspaper, caught on camera a Central Security Major attempting the same abuse, the Major attacked the reporter (called Karim el Fawaal) and called on helpers to beat him and break the camers which caught him in the act.GGGGGGGAAAAAAAA33333333333333333............... Come here you.... lil' johnny wanna play wid you round bum... YOU FUCKING FAGGOT! Damn I wanna bark!
Anyway.. here is news regarding the demonstration (Go baby Go!):
*From MisrDigital (الوعي المصري)
Coverage of Abdeen's demonstration on 14th July
Summary: A good bunch of OK photos with little comments.
As usual, a good account of the demonstration with a some nice pics
*From العروبي؟ (I was directed to it from
No Comments: Just Fucking interesting pics
(see the one below.. it's not what you think it's out of context.. the soldier was apparently confused .. hehe)

*From Al Mesryoon
Police violence turns Abdeen's demonstration into a battlefield
(kinda exaggerated don't you think. usually has more accurate accounts) Summary: Demonstration started off with chants against unemployment and then turned into an anti-Mubarak demonstration. Riot police surrounding the demonstrators in cordons (encirclements). Demonstrators trying to go down into the square. Police turned violent. Beatings started. Several injuried and cases of unconsciousness. It was difficult to control the crowd which forced alot of high profile security officials down to the scene: incl. Cairo's head of security General Major Nabeel el Ezzaby. It was Kefaya's biggest demonstration to date.
Police denies the injured Abdeen demonstrators medical assistance
Summary: Violent clashes cause some cases of injuries and unconsciousness. There were no ambulances although there were thousands of soldiers and demonstrators. Riot police soldiers did not allow the injured and unconscious demonstrators out of the security cordon except after orders from the officers. Even then there were no ambulances and volunteers had to drive them to the nearest hospitals.
*From Al Jazeera
Kefaya protests against unemployment and demands removal of Mubarak
Summary: Thousands of demonstrators shouting against unemployment and Mubarak.
(I love the pic at Al Jazeera.. taken by French Press)

*Last but not least..
From the men themselves: Kefaya
Kefaya forum with everyone sharing in what they saw
(Alot of interesting accounts and so many many more links! Its a crazy web!)
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