Don't you know, pimp it up... you've got to, pimp it up
First thing's first.. I haven't completed the translation of the "Confessions of a judge - Ahmed Mohammed" (previous post) .. too busy at work. Will get to that soon enough..
But for today's thought..
You know a few years ago I wouldn't have given a fuck about the NDP.. I would have been too young anyway and probably would have vaguely recognized only a handfull of names of their members.. It just wasn't something that I cared much about... Now that they've caught my eye.. well.. I dunno .. I think they'll regret it..
But if there's one member I'll NEVER forget.. It's this guy.. I like to call him "My Republican Pimp" .. "3arsy el Gomhoory".. Yes you've guessed who it is.. It's no other than our loyal NDP puppy-with-whiskers-and-donald-duck-lips.. The pride of our nation.. The official Pimp Daddy of the Nile.. Ze one 'n Ze onlyyyyy.. Safsooooof
This guy is special. They say he was the *DA MAN* whenever the government needed dirt on famous names. I don't think anyone in Egypt is oblivious to his honourable role in the Egyptian Intelligence. But does anyone really know the details of our ol' chap's story?
I decided to check him out myself. And then there was this. Basically it is an Investigation Report dated 1968, taking Safwat el Sherif's testimony, investigating allegations of disgracefulness of the General Intelligence Bureau.
According to the report (and Safwat's testimony) Safwat was involved in managing hired women-"delegates" whose jobs were to lure important men to sleep with them in a pre-equiped room so that he and a few colleagues would be able to take pictures and record videos of them from a neighbouring house. It is important to mention, however, that the orders to do this did not come from him but from somewhere above in the chain of command ( i.e. a Hassan Aleesh and ofcourse the notorious Salah Nasr). This fact made me feel somewhat sorry for our friend because:
1) The guy is a victim of the never-ending conflict between the end and the means. Everyone wants their country safe, but the question is how far are they willing to go to make it safe. People will blame the authorities that they were unable to catch a terrorist group, or were unprepared for an attack, but at the same time they criticize the same authorities for going to lengths to getting essential information. The real problem lies when the authorities simply get out of control. That's what happened in Abu-Ghraib and over 30 years earlier in the Egyptian Intelligence Bureau. Its easy to call him a pimp, ( Yes I guess that makes me a hypocrytical bitch ) but the fact is, Pimp Daddy O was watching over your ass.
2) He was only doing his job. I don't see anything to suggest that he was personally enjoying this nor to suggest that, had he the power, he wouldn't have put a stop to the operations that got out of hand. Also, the concept of pimp in Egypt is somewhat different than in the US for example. While somehow the pimps in the U.S. seem to be proud of their title (click here (thanks) or even better, check out this), being a pimp in Egypt is synonymous to being a filthy low-life faggot with no sense of masculinity as opposed to the macho Eastern woman-protecting male that one is expected to be. In other words, "pimp" in Egyptian vocabulary is VERY degrading as a predicate noun. That cleared, I felt from his testimony that it was almost out of pure conviction for the country's safety and full belief that some dirty work was necessary to protect the country, that he emraced this degrading role. Maybe I'm too naive. But in any case the guy was doing his job. And I can almost safely say loyally. P.S. I'm not being sarcastic, I really think he did it believing that the end fully justified the means.
Anyway that is long gone and we can argue about it forever. What interested me, however, was that the issue was no longer him being a pimp.. as I had previously thought.. He wasn't just ordering his women around.. The guy was supervising the fucking recording.. which if you think about it.. makes him more involved.. something more in the lines of a porn producer not a pimp! (Don't get me wrong I'm still not accusing him of anything really, orders are orders) But what I want to underline here is that.. this guy is our Shura-fucking-Council chairman!! Is it ME or does that sound scary?!
I don't know about you man, but when my Senate is headed by an ex-intelligence officer who was heading the porn-production department, something is FUCK-A-LOGICALLY wrong. Again I'm not blaming him.. if anything this guy showed some die-hard loyalty. But even so! Dirt is dirt, and while it may sometimes be necessary, while he may have stooped low in good faith for the security of the country (assuming thats what it was), it does not by any means guarantee that he will not stoop even lower years later when he is at a higher position. The higher you are, the lower and more insignificant morals and values look when compared to the general "common good". Help me God I cannot find any justification to assigning an ex-porn-producer, the leadership of a governmental body that was established to protect, amongst other things, ".. the main factors of society, its higher values (should I laugh or cry?), the general rights and freedoms..[etc..]".
Is this the message they want to send out? Kill, rape, torture and pervert for the security of the country to prove yourself worthy of working with us in running it. So are these the people running the country? I guess now you know what to do if it ever crosses your mind to run for a high post.
Hehe, isn't it also ironic that he, amongst all the others, should be the Minister of I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n a few years back??
Wait a sec.. If the pimp is the head of the Shura Council.. what does that make of its members?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sweeeeeet!!
But for today's thought..
You know a few years ago I wouldn't have given a fuck about the NDP.. I would have been too young anyway and probably would have vaguely recognized only a handfull of names of their members.. It just wasn't something that I cared much about... Now that they've caught my eye.. well.. I dunno .. I think they'll regret it..
But if there's one member I'll NEVER forget.. It's this guy.. I like to call him "My Republican Pimp" .. "3arsy el Gomhoory".. Yes you've guessed who it is.. It's no other than our loyal NDP puppy-with-whiskers-and-donald-duck-lips.. The pride of our nation.. The official Pimp Daddy of the Nile.. Ze one 'n Ze onlyyyyy.. Safsooooof

I decided to check him out myself. And then there was this. Basically it is an Investigation Report dated 1968, taking Safwat el Sherif's testimony, investigating allegations of disgracefulness of the General Intelligence Bureau.
According to the report (and Safwat's testimony) Safwat was involved in managing hired women-"delegates" whose jobs were to lure important men to sleep with them in a pre-equiped room so that he and a few colleagues would be able to take pictures and record videos of them from a neighbouring house. It is important to mention, however, that the orders to do this did not come from him but from somewhere above in the chain of command ( i.e. a Hassan Aleesh and ofcourse the notorious Salah Nasr). This fact made me feel somewhat sorry for our friend because:
1) The guy is a victim of the never-ending conflict between the end and the means. Everyone wants their country safe, but the question is how far are they willing to go to make it safe. People will blame the authorities that they were unable to catch a terrorist group, or were unprepared for an attack, but at the same time they criticize the same authorities for going to lengths to getting essential information. The real problem lies when the authorities simply get out of control. That's what happened in Abu-Ghraib and over 30 years earlier in the Egyptian Intelligence Bureau. Its easy to call him a pimp, ( Yes I guess that makes me a hypocrytical bitch ) but the fact is, Pimp Daddy O was watching over your ass.
2) He was only doing his job. I don't see anything to suggest that he was personally enjoying this nor to suggest that, had he the power, he wouldn't have put a stop to the operations that got out of hand. Also, the concept of pimp in Egypt is somewhat different than in the US for example. While somehow the pimps in the U.S. seem to be proud of their title (click here (thanks) or even better, check out this), being a pimp in Egypt is synonymous to being a filthy low-life faggot with no sense of masculinity as opposed to the macho Eastern woman-protecting male that one is expected to be. In other words, "pimp" in Egyptian vocabulary is VERY degrading as a predicate noun. That cleared, I felt from his testimony that it was almost out of pure conviction for the country's safety and full belief that some dirty work was necessary to protect the country, that he emraced this degrading role. Maybe I'm too naive. But in any case the guy was doing his job. And I can almost safely say loyally. P.S. I'm not being sarcastic, I really think he did it believing that the end fully justified the means.
Anyway that is long gone and we can argue about it forever. What interested me, however, was that the issue was no longer him being a pimp.. as I had previously thought.. He wasn't just ordering his women around.. The guy was supervising the fucking recording.. which if you think about it.. makes him more involved.. something more in the lines of a porn producer not a pimp! (Don't get me wrong I'm still not accusing him of anything really, orders are orders) But what I want to underline here is that.. this guy is our Shura-fucking-Council chairman!! Is it ME or does that sound scary?!
I don't know about you man, but when my Senate is headed by an ex-intelligence officer who was heading the porn-production department, something is FUCK-A-LOGICALLY wrong. Again I'm not blaming him.. if anything this guy showed some die-hard loyalty. But even so! Dirt is dirt, and while it may sometimes be necessary, while he may have stooped low in good faith for the security of the country (assuming thats what it was), it does not by any means guarantee that he will not stoop even lower years later when he is at a higher position. The higher you are, the lower and more insignificant morals and values look when compared to the general "common good". Help me God I cannot find any justification to assigning an ex-porn-producer, the leadership of a governmental body that was established to protect, amongst other things, ".. the main factors of society, its higher values (should I laugh or cry?), the general rights and freedoms..[etc..]".
Is this the message they want to send out? Kill, rape, torture and pervert for the security of the country to prove yourself worthy of working with us in running it. So are these the people running the country? I guess now you know what to do if it ever crosses your mind to run for a high post.
Hehe, isn't it also ironic that he, amongst all the others, should be the Minister of I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n a few years back??
Wait a sec.. If the pimp is the head of the Shura Council.. what does that make of its members?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sweeeeeet!!
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