Symptom 1: Hallucinations & Optical Illusions
So this article I was reading on The New Republic (TNR) was talking about how screwed the Egyptian Media is. It basically classified Egyptian media into two areas: the larger pro-government ones with the usual "NDP bullshit" and the much smaller anti-government ones with a little more genuine bullshit and some hypocritical toppings to go with it.
What was interesting was that the article compared how the two "interpreted", if you will, Condoleezza's visit and Bush administration's stand point regarding democratic change in Egypt.
Just to straighten things out, I've read all of Condoleezza's speeches/addresses/interviews in Egypt and they did NOT in any way endorse Hosni Mubarak's dictatorship regime. In fact, striking was this line which was repeated throughout: "The United States for 60 years did not look at the Middle East as it looked at the rest of world. We thought we were trading stability for democracy. And, of course, we have neither."
So in any way the NDP mfs hallucinated themselves into believing that the U.S. was somehow on "their" side.. I was browsing some pages and damn, take a look at this headline.
Talk about brainwashing. "2 + 2 = 5 if the party says its so". I guess there's a point in time when you get so used to lying it becomes a reality. More about that in another post.
As for the anti-government media, the article said, they attacked Condoleezza arguing that we did not need American or forgein intervention to deal with the "dictatorship" regime. What was really funny (and nicely pointed out by the article) is that if it wasn't for such effforts they would never have gotten away with the word "dictatorship". Seriously what the f are all these people on? I guess this is what George Orwell calls "doublethink": "To hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them."
But above all, this is the surprise: the Arabic article which had directed me to the TNR article in the first place, had this headline:
The New Republic: America has agreed to 6 more years of tyranny
Ufff whatever.
What was interesting was that the article compared how the two "interpreted", if you will, Condoleezza's visit and Bush administration's stand point regarding democratic change in Egypt.
Just to straighten things out, I've read all of Condoleezza's speeches/addresses/interviews in Egypt and they did NOT in any way endorse Hosni Mubarak's dictatorship regime. In fact, striking was this line which was repeated throughout: "The United States for 60 years did not look at the Middle East as it looked at the rest of world. We thought we were trading stability for democracy. And, of course, we have neither."
So in any way the NDP mfs hallucinated themselves into believing that the U.S. was somehow on "their" side.. I was browsing some pages and damn, take a look at this headline.
Talk about brainwashing. "2 + 2 = 5 if the party says its so". I guess there's a point in time when you get so used to lying it becomes a reality. More about that in another post.
As for the anti-government media, the article said, they attacked Condoleezza arguing that we did not need American or forgein intervention to deal with the "dictatorship" regime. What was really funny (and nicely pointed out by the article) is that if it wasn't for such effforts they would never have gotten away with the word "dictatorship". Seriously what the f are all these people on? I guess this is what George Orwell calls "doublethink": "To hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them."
But above all, this is the surprise: the Arabic article which had directed me to the TNR article in the first place, had this headline:
The New Republic: America has agreed to 6 more years of tyranny
Ufff whatever.
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