Thursday, September 01, 2005

Election cases frenzy

Out of boredom I was going through an old issue of Al-Ahram dated 29th August. Page 5 had an article about the currently pending election-related court cases and their dates..

CASE 1: An appeal against the exclusion of certain applicants from election candidacy
RAISED BY: The excluded applicants :-D (like Duuh!)
WHATS THAT ABOUT?: Initially when the applicantion doors were open to those who wanted to run in the election, around 30 people (including the current candidates) applied. At a later stage the Presidential Elections Committee (PEC) excluded many of the applicants from running (due to them not meeting candidacy requirements) leaving the currently remaining 10 candidates. It is worth noting that one of the excluded applicants was Talaat Al Sadaat, the nephew of former president Anwar Al Sadaat because one of the requirements to qualify for candidacy is leading a political party, while the leadership of Sadat's party is the subject of a court dispute.
CASE DATE: Verdict reserved for Saturday 3rd of Spetember 2005

CASE 2: An appeal against the allowing of certain party leaders to run in the elections
RAISED BY: I dunno. :-P
WHATS THAT ABOUT?: I have no idea. It seems to be the opposite of CASE 1.
CASE DATE: Looking into the case was postponed by the court to Saturday 17th of September.

CASE 3: An lawsuit against the chairman of the PEC to allow the Human Rights Organizations to monitor the elections
RAISED BY: several Civil Society Organizations (our term for Non-Profit Non-Government Organizations)
WHATS THAT ABOUT?: (If you read a previous post of mine you would know :-P ) Well after the chairman of the Presidential Elections Council was quoted saying "I will not allow the Civil Society Organizations to monitor the elections" the Civil Society Organizations (our term for Non-Profit Non-Government Organizations) got pissed and started a lawsuit against the chairman to allow them to monitor the elctions.
CASE DATE: Verdict reserved for Saturday 3rd September 2005.

Interesting thing is that the article did not mention the appeal against the referendum results. So I will just add it anyway :-P.

CASE 4: An appeal against the May 25 referendum results.
RAISED BY: the "Kefaya" movement (Egyptian Movement for Change)
WHATS THAT ABOUT?: Read the post. After the Judges' Club report indicating widespread fraud in the May 25 referendum, Kefaya (The Egyptian Movement for Change) has appealed against the results. A verdict inditing the results would mean that another referendum would have to be held instead and the elections would have to be postponed.
CASE DATE: Verdict reserved for Saturday 3rd September 2005.


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